Guests at Angoulême Ville Créative

We had a fantastic time at the Rencontres Internationales de la Bande Dessinée conference in Angoulême (Oct 22). We were guests of Angoulême Ville Créative, representing Edinburgh UNESCO City of Literature, and participated in a panel on comics and heritage with Giorgio Albertini, David B., Antoine Ozanam, moderated by Samuel Lévèque. The delegates and guests were treated to a wonderful dinner at the Town Hall. We’re pictured here, above, with Thomas Louis Côté (Quebec BD) Joëlle Epée (Bilili Festival), Gérard Desaphy and Xavier Bonnefont, Mayor of Angoulême. Also had a chance to visit the Musée de la Bande Dessinée and stock up on French comics. Special thanks to Ali Bowden (Edinburgh UNESCO City of Literature), Sylvain Pothier-Leroux, Auriane Métay and Pierre Lungheretti (La cité internationale de la bande dessinée et de l’image).