Live at Leeds
Last week saw us visit Leeds for Thought Bubble 2011 and the Leeds Graphic Novel Awards.
We were thrilled to learn that Louis – Night Salad was one of the books shorlisted for the award (and delighted with the diamond shaped prize we received).
On the afternoon of Friday the 18th, children from several schools in Leeds gathered for the ceremony, an afternoon away from school which they really enjoyed!
We gave a short talk about working on Louis – Night Salad, along with presentations from the fabulous Sarah McIntyre and the equally fabulous Etherington Brothers, who were also on the shorlist.
It was great hanging out after the talk with our fellow contestants and with everyone involved from the school libraries and Leeds Central Library, and also last year’s winner Dave Shelton who handed the prize to Sarah! Books and posters and postcards were signed by all of us, photographs were taken, muffins were eaten. Many thanks to Debbie Moody of Leeds Central Library for inviting us to talk and for organising this wonderful event.
That evening saw us attending the busy opening party of the Thought Bubble Festival at the Marriott. We had a fantastic time at the convention, and our stall was even kitted out with an additional drop-in colour-in workshop table.
Kids and adults came and had fun or just chilled out colouring Louis in!