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Metaphrog are Sandra Marrs and John Chalmers, Franco-Scottish author and illustrator of award-winning children's graphic novels and kids comics.


  1. A Paperback Writer
    December 26, 2009 @ 12:20 pm

    This "Mercury" comic is wonderful! I stumbled across this blog while finding a link to the poem to send to a friend who'd never heard of Morgan before. (Yes, I know, that's strange in Scotland, but I live in the States now.) Thanks tons for putting it online so I can use it with my own pupils. Normally, I just use the reading of the poem done in 2005 on the CD released for Morgan's 85th b-day, but this comic will really be helpful as well.


  2. metaphrog
    December 26, 2009 @ 12:22 pm

    Many thanks!

    We very much appreciate your kind feedback.

    All the best!


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