Upcoming Events
We’re preparing for a few events coming up next month.First, a couple of workshops at Cardiff Central Library on the 8th of May. We did a workshop there in 2003, and have been asked back, now that their brand new library is open.Then we’re travelling to Bristol for the Comic Expo and SPExpo on the […]
Graphic Novel in Progress
We’re back at work on Louis – Night Salad, after working on our short comic adaptation of Edwin Morgan’s poem The First Men on Mercury. Two very different methods of working, but we’ll talk more about that in a later post!
Edwin Morgan Comic Adaptation
We are honoured to announce that the Association for Scottish Literary Studies has commissioned us to produce an adaptation of the poem The First Men on Mercury by the great Edwin Morgan. It will come in the form of a four page, full colour comic, and will be published as a pamphlet given out free […]
Adam West Illustration

We’ve just had the pleasure of contributing an illustration of Adam West’s Batman to Dangerous Ink, the UK alternative arts magazine. The January 2009 issue features a special interview with the man himself, and also includes several illustrations from various cool artists. Sandra’s drawing is pictured here. Dangerous Ink Vol 2, Issue 1 is out […]
Graphic Novel Workshops in Schools

Well, the end of the year has proven really busy with workshops! As well as the events mentioned previously in this blog, we did a whole series of highly enjoyable workshops: two during the Booxfactor Festival in Clydebank and also double workshops (one then a follow-up a week later) at the Howdenhall and St Katharines […]
Imprint Festival Workshop

This week, we conducted a comics workshop at the Imprint festival in Kilmarnock. We always enjoy showing people how we go about making our own comics, but also like to see what kids can come up with themselves. This link will take you to a gallery of monsters and some jam comics that they created […]

I (Sandra) did this sketch at life drawing a while ago. I had finished drawing the model, and, waiting for the next pose, did this sketch of one of the fellow attendants. He had a fisherman aspect about him and always displayed his painting materials on cloths below him like that. The watercolours he made […]
Autumn Events
We are preparing ourselves for a few autumn events: first we’ll be exhibiting at BICS, the Birmingham International Comics Show (Oct 4th –5th). For this, we wish to thank the Scottish Arts Council, as they are partly funding the trip. Then, a couple of comics workshops, at the Storytelling Festival, in Milngavie, on Oct 14th, […]
Louis Work in Progress

We’re making great progress on our new book, Louis – Night Salad, in full swing and turning round pages: half way through it in fact. In this book, Louis will encounter tiny people leading him through a desert, a strange doctor and his minions, and a giant caterpillar! Here are their character designs, stay tuned […]
Louis Work in Progress
Here is a quick character design (Louis and his guide) for our graphic novel in progress, Louis – Night Salad.
Comics Day at Dundee Lit Fest Photo Report
We’re just back from Comics Day at the Dundee Literary Festival: another fine event organised by Dr Christopher Murray, with really varied talks, all extremely interesting in their own ways. Here are a few photos documenting the event.Our own talk was about making the Louis graphic novels, and, in order of appearance, Chris Murray himself […]
Talk at Dundee Literary Festival
A quick reminder of our talk at the Dundee Literary Festival on Comics Day, Sunday 22nd June at 3.45pm: The Making of the Louis Graphic Novels.In addition there is a talk by Bryan Talbot, and also by Paul Gravett, Roger Sabin, Ilya, Jim Glen, and Chris Murray. It promises to be a great event! Official […]
National Library Exhibition Pictures
As the Graphic Novel exhibition at National Library of Scotland just ended, we thought we’d post some pictures of it here for those who couldn’t make it to Edinburgh.The exhibit represented a broad spectrum of graphic novels, from the underground movement right through to superhero, and focused on Cam Kennedy’s artwork for Kidnapped (adapted from […]
National Library Workshop Report
Our illustrated workshop at the National Library of Scotland last week was great fun! (Create your own Comics, May 23). It was fully booked (it even had a waiting list!), and the kids loved it, which is so rewarding. A little girl had even brought her own copy of Louis – Red Letter Day and […]
New LOUIS Work in Progress
For some time now, we’ve been working on our new book, Louis – Night Salad. We’ll be regularly updating this blog with progress on the book, but for now, as a sneak preview, here is a painting from it.
Paper in the International Journal of Comic Art
In our last post, we mentioned last year’s Biff Bam Crickey! Comics as Design and Entertainment Conference in Dundee in May 2007. The highly enjoyable two day event, gathered academics and other interested parties to discuss comics and graphic novels. We were delighted to be participating in such an event, and as practitioners talked about […]
Talk at the Dundee Literary Festival
We’ll be giving another talk, on June 22nd at the Dundee Literary Festival on Comics Day, at 3.45pm, The Making of the Louis Graphic Novels. The event is a continuation of the Biff Bam Crickey! Conference and Exhibition organised in Dundee by Dr Christopher Murray last year (in conjunction with the Six Cities Design Festival). […]
National Library Talk Report
Our talk at the National Library of Scotland last Wednesday went really well and we got great positive feedback. Thanks again to everyone who came along and to all those involved in organising the events. With Lisa Otty chairing the evening, we gave an overview (with slides) of our work since our beginnings back in […]
Press Interest
The List have featured our forthcoming talk in their 600th issue, and kindly included a photo taken by our good friend Jim Taylor. Also added here is a listing for our kid’s workshop): And The Guardian Guide also featured the event:
Talk at the National Library of Scotland
This week, we’re doing a talk at the National Library of Scotland, as part of their series of events on graphic novels in April and May. We’ll also be doing a workshop at the end of May. Details and links are below. Talk/Panel Session: ‘In conversation with metaphrog’.Chaired by Lisa Otty, Graduate School of Literatures, […]