Illustrations for ipad Game for Kelvingrove Museum

Illustrations for ipad Game for Kelvingrove Museum

We’ve just completed artwork for an ipad game for Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum.
The Ancient Egypt themed game, Book of the Dead: Afterlife, is currently on display at the museum as part of the Pharaoh: King of Egypt touring exhibition from the British Museum, as well as in the permanent exhibition on Ancient Egypt. Here are a couple of images from the game:

Main screen of the game

One of the pop-up screen elements

Working on this game was amazing, and working with Kelvingrove Museum was fantastic! Ancient Egypt is a fascinating subject so it was difficult not to get excited by the theme of the game. We were really inspired visiting the permanent exhibition.

It was also the first time we’d worked on an ipad game, and that was very refreshing. For this type of work we had to keep in mind at all time that functionality is key and that design must always serve this purpose, as all the different elements are interactive and work in different combinations. This is something that doesn’t normally come into play when creating book or web illustrations, and is completely different from the separate dynamics of sequential art and visual storytelling. It’s been great fun, and we’d love to do more of this kind of work!

Here are a couple of roughs we made in the early stages of the project. The mummy had to be removed to be replaced by a sarcophagus as the exhibition is mummy-free. Although we had been looking forward to doing final artwork on the mummy, we really enjoyed doing the intricate coffin too. The mummy will find its way into another drawing at some point, we’re sure!

Unused rough
Final rough

We had the pleasure of attending the launch and preview of the exhibition and of seeing the game in situ for the first time last Friday. And the Pharaoh: King of Egypt exhibiton, which will be on for the next few months, is absolutely brilliant (we were especially impressed by the giant wooden sculpture – but we are not allowed to post a picture of it, so if you are in Glasgow you’ll have to go and see it for yourselves!).

Arriving at Kelvingrove Museum by night
The ipad game in situ
Night of the launch, courtesy of Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum Facebook page