Metaphrog Events

Metaphrog Events

We’ve had fun doing several events this autumn, talking about our Louis graphic novels and the comic medium.

Highlights include: a talk at the Advance Higher Creative Writing Conference at Edinbugh University; comic workshops with over 100 primary school pupils for the Encounters Festival 2012 in North Lanarkshire, and comic workshops with over 100 secondary school pupils for the Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival.

We’re also really looking forward to a couple of events:

Graphic Novel Talk at the National Literacy Network Meeting:

It’s an honour to have been invited as keynote speakers at the next National Literacy Network Meeting.

On November 8th, we’ll be talking to delegates at Stirling University. The talk, entitled Comics in the Classroom, will also be broadcast live and stored on GLOW.

We will be discussing and sharing our experiences of working with different age groups using graphic novels to explore literary ideas and to encourage reluctant readers. We’ll also share insights into visual storytelling, graphic novel adaptations and talk about our own Louisbooks, demonstrating our working methods and the creative process.

Watch this blog for a report on the events of the day.

Book Week Scotland:

We’re delighted to be part of the first ever Book Week Scotland, with an open event at Musselburgh Library on Saturday December 1st, at 2pm-3pm (free buy ticketed). Click here for more info.

We’ll also be doing several (closed) events for High School pupils in Dumfires, and for Crisis and HMP Edinburgh. It promises to be a very busy week.

Signing Louis books at the Encounters Festival 2012

Signing Louis books at the Encounters Festival 2012