Guernsey Book Week 2011

We’d been looking forward to our trip to Guernsey for Book Week 2011 ever since the Guille Allès library invited us, and we weren’t disappointed!
Leaving Glasgow in the rain, in a small plane, we soon found ourselves landing in sunny Southampton. From there it was another short flight to Guernsey where we met our hosts and representatives from their Book Week sponsor Ardel.
And, we had the pleasure of meeting our fellow authors Chris Wormell and Sonia Leong, who were also touring the schools.
Our schedule was intense: starting early on Monday morning we visited 14 different primary schools and delivered 15 illustrated talks/workshops over a period of 5 days. In all we must have spoken to over 1500 children from KS2 and had an absolutely brilliant time!
We received an incredible amount of feedback and were extremely impressed by the drawings that the pupils produced.
On the Thursday evening we gave a public talk (along with Chris and Sonia), and then presented copies of Louis – Night Salad to the winners of the KS2 competition. (We’d asked them to “Draw the Creepiest Character”.) The KS1s got to enter a colouring competition and were rewarded with copies of Chris’ book.
Special thanks to Jane Falla and Sarah Nicholls, and also to Elizabeth, Ellie and Rachel who drove us each day and supported our work in every school. Guernsey has 300miles of road, and resembles a maze. Without their expertise and kind assistance we wouldn’t have been able to see this wonderful island.
We even got the chance to dip our toes in the sea – a welcome refreshment!
You can see more photos on our picasa web album here.