Comic Exhibition at Scotland House in Brussels

Scottish Comics, the Environment and Creativity
We are delighted to announce our involvement in an exciting exhibition of Scottish Comics at Scotland House in Brussels.
On November 30th an exhibition of 24 graphic prints, curated by the University of Dundee’s Dr Chris Murray and produced by Dundee Contemporary Arts, opened at Scotland House, the Scottish Government’s EU office in Brussels.
Launched by Scottish Sports Minister Shona Robison as part of Scotland House’s St Andrew’s Day celebrations the exhibition, entitled G’ie me a spark o’ nature’s fire, draws on Dundee’s historic association with comics and features newly commissioned prints by well-established and emerging graphic artists from across Scotland.
Selected participants were asked to produce concepts or finished short stories reflecting themes of Energy and Climate Change, The Marine Environment, Research and Creativity, Freedom, Justice and Security, and also encouraged to give an insight into the creative process.
Here is the short (four page) story we came up with, based on the theme of climate change and ecology. And, with Belgium being the home of Hergé, we couldn’t resist paying hommage to one of our favourite comic characters: Tintin.
To illustrate the creative process, we also produced a short video, showing the thinking and process behind the various stages of making the comic.
View full press release here