Press Coverage: The Scotsman

Our comic adaptation of Edwin Morgan’s First Men on Mercury poem was featured in The Scotsman on Friday, as part of an interesting article on science fiction and Scotland, by Pat Kane.Read the online version of the article here: Scotman – Friday 15 June 2012
New Writing Scotland Goes Graphic

Great news! We’ve just found out that a short story we created has been accepted for inclusion in this year’s New Writing Scotland. The 30th volume of the annual anthology will be the very first to feature a story in comic form. The short graphic narrative The Photographs will be published, along with an array of work by new and established […]
Eindhoven School Visit

An exciting email came in a few months ago asking if we would be interested in travelling to The Netherland for a school visit… And ever since then, we’d been really looking forward to it! So last Tuesday we got up at the crack of dawn and headed for Glasgow airport, under pouring rain. Arriving […]
Skint! media coverage

Skint!, the graphic novel/play we worked on for the Scottish Book Trust, along with the playwright Gowan Calder, was featured on BBC Radio Scotland. We’re really happy to have been part of this fantastic project! The “Sunday Morning with…” program features interviews with young people and tutors. The show is available to listen to online […]
Newport Comic Workshops

Last week, on February 20th and 21st, we had the pleasure of visiting Newport, Gwent in Wales where we delivered two full day comic workshops to KS2 pupils: all boys. We first travelled down on the Sunday, ready for an early Monday morning start at the Millbrook Resource Centre. This would be everyone’s first day […]
Comic Exhibition at Scotland House in Brussels

Scottish Comics, the Environment and Creativity We are delighted to announce our involvement in an exciting exhibition of Scottish Comics at Scotland House in Brussels. On November 30th an exhibition of 24 graphic prints, curated by the University of Dundee’s Dr Chris Murray and produced by Dundee Contemporary Arts, opened at Scotland House, the Scottish […]
Live at Leeds
Last week saw us visit Leeds for Thought Bubble 2011 and the Leeds Graphic Novel Awards. We were thrilled to learn that Louis – Night Salad was one of the books shorlisted for the award (and delighted with the diamond shaped prize we received). On the afternoon of Friday the 18th, children from several schools […]
Louis – Red Letter Day out now!

Today we are very excited to see the release of Louis – Red Letter Day. It looks AMAZING! Totally redrawn and repainted. Some of you may remember the original comic: a multiple Eisner Award nominee (for Best Graphic Album New and Best Title for a Youger Audience), and Ignatz Award nominee for Promising New Talent, […]
Skint! Artwork

We had a fantastic time launching Skint! last month at the International Adult Literacies Conference in Stirling. Members of the Scottish Youth Theatre re-enacted a small part from the book/play, with our artwork as a backdrop, and it was amazing. The actress playing Carly actually looked like Carly in the book (strange to see as […]
Louis – Red Letter Day
Louis – Red Letter Day has now gone into production. We received the ozalids this week and all has been approved. Looking forward to seeing the finished book! Official release date is 10th of November 2011! And we’re delighted to announce that we have been successful in securing investment from Creative Scotland for the publication. […]
1001 Comics…
Paul Gravett’s excellent new book is out now. We are pleased to say that 1001 Comics You Must Read Before You Die features Louis!
Guernsey Book Week 2011
We’d been looking forward to our trip to Guernsey for Book Week 2011 ever since the Guille Allès library invited us, and we weren’t disappointed! Leaving Glasgow in the rain, in a small plane, we soon found ourselves landing in sunny Southampton. From there it was another short flight to Guernsey where we met our […]
Belmont Primary
The past year has been such a whirlwind of activity, we ended up not getting a chance to blog about some of the things we had planned to, and had really enjoyed. Between all the author visits around Britain, the illustration jobs, convention visits, the work on Skint! and the new Louis graphic novel, we […]
Highly Commended for the 2011 Scottish Children’s Book Awards!
Great news!! Louis – Night Salad has been Highly Commended for the 2011 Scottish Children’s Book Awards! The Scottish Book trust asked us to write a guest blog about the book on their excellent website here. This is the fourth award that has recognised the book this year! Highly Commended for the 2011 Scottish Children’s […]
Come Back!
Recently, we had the pleasure of doing a series of graphic novel workshops with a group of young women in Ayr who had already been producing prose and poems with writers. After several weeks of planning and working hard the group had produced fantastic finished drawings and graphic novel pages. We were delighted to see […]
New Book out in September 2011: Skint!
Over the past year and half, we’ve been involved in a top secret project, which we can now reveal! Scottish Book Trust, in partnership with Scottish Government, commissioned us to work on the book Skint! in collaboration with actor, director and playwright Gowan Calder. Skint! is an interactive, learner-centred money management resource for 16 to […]
Edinburgh International Book Festival and Merchant City Festival Events
We’re really looking forward to be doing several events this summer, including two workshops at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, and a talk at the Merchant City Festival. Details below: Merchant City Festival Illustrated Talk In a lively illustrated talk, acclaimed duo metaphrog will discuss graphic novels and also give an insight into the creative […]
Glasgow Life Comic Commission
We have been working on a very exciting project over the past few months: Glasgow Life commissioned us to create a short comic story. The Photographs is an artistic response to a series of graphic novel workshops we carried out in Glasgow during 2010. Some of these workshops were with senior groups in day care […]
A Big Thank You!
The postman delivered a giant “Thank You!” card from Carnforth High School’s manga club pupils. We very much enjoyed the workshops we did there last month and were delighted to receive such a fantastic response!
School Certificate
Last week as part of our three day trip to England and Wales, delivering graphic novel workshops, we had the pleasure of returning to Bishop Fox’s High School in Taunton, to give a talk on graphic novels and our own working methods to over a hundred Year 9 pupils. The talk was followed by a […]
Forthcoming Workshops
We will be delivering several comic workshops in the spring, with more to be announced for the summer. Cardiff Central Library on May 27th for two sessions (1030-1130 and 1400-1500), for 9-14 years old. Free. To book a place, phone 02920 780953 or email Tramway Family Day in Glasgow on May 8th for their […]
We very much enjoyed doing research and producing images for some educational text books! Here are just a few of them. More illustrations can be viewed on Evolution of man. Roundheads vs Cavaliers. Ancient Mesopotamian.
Eisner Award Nomination
Great news! Louis – Night Salad has just been nominated for an Eisner Award for Best Coloring! Along with the YALSA nomination for Great Graphic Novels for Teens, this is the second award nomination Louis – Night Salad has received this year!
Recent Talks and Workshops
Over the past few months we’ve been busy working on various projects and also delivering a variety of talks and workshops around the country. We were particulary honoured to be invited to deliver three very different talks: one at the CCA for Words Across the Water last November (along with Alisdair Gray who was also […]
The Comics Journal Review of Louis – Night Salad
Gavin Lees has written a fantastic review of Louis – Night Salad in The Comics Journal. Here’s a short extract, from the beginning and from the end of the review: In the hands of Franco-Scottish duo Metaphrog (aka John Chalmers and Sandra Marrs — reductively, he writes and she draws, but the collaboration is much […]
The Skinny Feature
Louis – Night Salad is featured in The Skinny this month (December 2010 – Issue 63), with a review and mini-interview. Online version here.