
Louis – Night salad is featured in ArtReview this month (issue 46 Dec 2010). Here’s an excerpt:These days we’re bombarded with animations or graphic novels that claim to amuse kids while offering a meta narrative to please adults. But few actually fulfil these promises as effectively as this Scottish duo’s hand-painted book.
Metro and Sunday Herald Reviews

This week Louis – Night Salad has been reviewed in the Sunday Herald graphic novel round-up and in Metro!

We gave a comic workshop at the Imprint Book Festival last night, and Sandra took some pictures of the banners for the festival – with the illustration she made. The brochures turned out really well too.

Louis – Night Salad was reviewed in The Libary Journal in the US on October 29th: A dream-quest theme persists throughout this colorful book [Louis – Night Salad], which brings to mind many classic, if somewhat less unsettling, adventures: Harold and the Purple Crayon and Where the Wild Things Are. Established fans will delight in […]

We’re delighted to announce that we have been commissioned to do the illustration for IMPRINT BOOK FESTIVAL 2010! We were honoured and excited to be asked to produce an illustration for the Imprint book festival, and wanted to create an image that tried to capture the electrifying and thrilling possibilities of books. The festival will […]
October Author Visits 2010
There’s lots happening this autumn. We’re just about to start a new wave of author visits and are continuing to promote our new graphic novel Louis – Night Salad! Well, in fact, it all really started in September. After a summer jam-packed with illustration deadlines and working preparing for the release of our book, we […]
Exhibition at the London Print Studio

We’re delighted to announce that we will be part of That’s Novel! …Lifting Comics from the Page!!! the new exhibition curated by Paul Gravett at the London Print Studio. Original pages from Louis – Night Salad will be on display, and previously unpublished, limited edition prints will be available along with signed copies of Louis […]
Louis – Night Salad in The Scotsman

Louis – Night Salad was featured in The Scotsman on Saturday the 25th of September 2010!
Louis Around the Web
Louis – Night Salad’s release is a month away, and the book has already made its way to the Forbidden Planet Blog’s most wanted list of forthcoming graphic novels, as well as Paul Gravett’s PG Previews for October releases. has already run a great review, and Bleeding Cool plugged the Night Salad trailer!
Louis – Night Salad the actual book!

We’ve finally received copies of the Louis – Night Salad graphic novel, and we’re delighted with the result! The book is beautifully bound and printed, and has a pleasant weight!Copies can still be ordered through Diamond Comic Distributors August Previews: item code AUG101077 LOUIS NIGHT SALAD HC (C: 0-0-1), page 297.
The First Review of Louis – Night Salad!
In the tradition of Little Nemo, Scotland-based creative team John Chalmers and Sandra Marrs of Metaphrog have brought forward a fanciful adventure story. Louis, the little hero from numerous previous Metaphrog titles, returns in a new stand-alone story perfect for young readers and the young at heart. Desperately searching a cure for his sick friend […]
Louis – Night Salad available to order from Diamond Previews in August

A reminder that Louis – Night Salad is now available to order from Diamond Comic Distributors August Previews, item code AUG101077 LOUIS NIGHT SALAD HC (C: 0-0-1), page 297. Release date: October 201096 pages- full colour- hardbackISBN-13: 978-0954598419US $14.99UK £9.99 Highly acclaimed metaphrog return with a brand new stand-alone graphic novel: the moving tale of […]
Trailer for Louis – Night Salad!!
We’ve just finished the trailer for Louis – Night Salad!! Our friend hey from Berlin (who worked on the music for Louis – Dreams Never Die), has made an amazing soundtrack inspired by Bach’s beautifully emotive “Air on a G-string” and also by Delia Derbyshire’s version. It really captures the mood of the book! Louis […]
LOUIS – Night Salad out soon!
We can now announce that Louis – Night Salad, our new graphic novel, will be out in October 2010! It will be available to order from Diamond Previews in August. We’ll also be posting some preview pages and an online trailer then too, so watch this space!
Louis – Night Salad pages
Finally, we’ve completed our new graphic novel, Louis – Night Salad. Here they are, more than 90 pages, all hand painted. It took a while! Some of the pages (a big chunk of the book, come to think of it) were redone, some of them as many as 3 or 4 times!!! It’s the first […]
Louis – Night Salad
Sandra is currently painting the very last pages of our new graphic novel, Louis – Night Salad. Only three pages to go! We’re so excited!
WORD 10 and other Workshops Report
We had a fantastic time in Aberdeen, both at WORD 10 book festival, where we conducted a couple of workshops, and also at Dyce and Northfield schools we visited in between. The main event we did was on May 15th, and we had fun delivering a family comic workshop: parents and children of all ages […]
Sandra just delivered another batch of illustrations to an educational publisher. She had fun getting to do her version of a flying spaghetti monster – an actual real thing, google it if you’ve never seen it!
Once again, we’ve a series of events lined up for the coming few weeks. Today, we’re flying to Bristol, as we’ll be delivering a talk about our work, tomorrow (April 28th), followed by a series of comic workshops at Bishop Fox’s school in Taunton for their annual Conference Day which this year will focus on […]
Work in Progress
As well as our finishing working on Louis- Night Salad, Sandra has been working on a series of illustrations for some educational books. Some of these will make their way to our online portfolio soon!
CPD on Graphic Novel Adaptations
In early March 2010, we did a CPD illustrated talk for teachers on graphic novel adaptations as part of the Scottish Book Trust OTIR (Online Teacher in Residence). Teachers gathered in a class room at Inveralmond Community High School, and we talked briefly about our history as metaphrog, then explained what graphic novels are, before […]
John wrote a Picture Stories feature for The Sunday Herald, which was published yesterday. John’s text was edited, and below the photograph is the original version: The year must be 1956 and the photograph is of my father, David, standing in Antarctica where he spent two and a half years on an ordinance survey expedition. […]
The Evening Times ran a double page spread today about our author visit at Knightswood Primary on March 4th. Almost the entire school had dressed up that day to celebrate World Book Day, and they gave us a really warm welcome. Over 450 pupils gathered in a big hall for what proved to be an […]
March Events
March is going to be a busy month! We have several events lined up, for festivals, schools, libraries and more! Kicking off the events will be a Glow Live Meet on March 3rd at 1pm with Learning and Teaching Scotland: a virtual comic workshop available to view on the Glow network by subscribing schools. Then […]
The First Men on Mercury Sketches
The preparatory sketches Sandra did for The First Men on Mercury comic adaptation of the Edwin Morgan poem.