Comic Workshop at Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery

Last Sunday was spent at the museum, the Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery in Glasgow to be precise. There we delivered a comic workshop to a group of young people (aged 12 to 17). The session lasted three hours and everyone had plenty of time to create characters and develop a story (to be set […]
Comic Workshop at Kelvingrove Museum
Happy New Year! We’re really looking forward to our event at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow. Here are the details: Create Your Own Comics with metaphrog:An exciting comic workshop during which we will share the secrets of making comics. Participants will learn how we go about making our own Louis graphic novels […]
Un-office Xmas Party

Last Friday, we headed off to Edinburgh for a spot of festive lunch (an Un-Office Xmas party, as named by Linda Strachan) with fellow writers and illustrators. It was a day fit for Sherlock Holmes or even Jack the Ripper, as fog completely engulfed the city. But the photos below illustrate what a lovely, warm […]
Comic Workshop

We were greatly impressed by the quality of drawings made by the pupils during our comic workshops for the Booxfactor! Festival (Monday Dec 7th at Braehead Primary and Clydebank High). Here are just a few of them. For more, please visit our photo album here.
Press Coverage

The Edinburgh Outlook newspaper ran this article about our comic workshop at Kirkliston library on October 23rd. Online version here.
Comic Workshops

We’re looking forward to participating in the Booxfactor! Festival for the second year round. Monday December 7th we’ll be delivering two comic workshops in schools in West Dunbartonshire for their annual book festival. The 2010 calendar is already filling up with more events, starting with an afternoon session at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum […]
Comic Event at The Goethe-Institut
Great evening last night at The Goethe-Institut and Alliance Francaise in Glasgow: Marc Baines was in conversation with Lewis Trondheim and Mawil, for an entertaining and genuinely interesting talk. We always enjoy hearing other cartoonists talk about their work, and this kind of thing rarely happen on our doorstep, so that was a real bonus. […]
Metaphrog Comic on STV
STV’s The Hour, featuring Liz Lochhead talking about our comic adaptation of Edwin Morgan’s poem The First Men on Mercury. For the full National Poetry Day feature version please follow this link.
STV’s The Hour featured our comic adaptation of THE FIRST MEN ON MERCURY on National Poetry Day, as a way of interesting children in poetry visually. Liz Lochhead, Glasgow’s Poet Lauteate, made an appearance on the show reading and talking about poetry.

Today, 32 500+ copies of our Edwin Morgan comic adaptation, THE FIRST MEN ON MERCURY, are being distributed to all pupils in Glasgow Secondary schools, to celebrate National Poetry Day. For those of you who have left school long ago or don’t live in Glasgow, you can read the comic online at We wanted […]
Wigtown Book Festival
This week, we’ll be at the Wigtown Book Festival, doing eight events (three talks and five workshops) all packed into three days! We’ll be visiting schools in the area as well as talking to over 300 pupils in the festival marquee. For more details:
The First Men on Mercury comic adaptation of the Edwin Morgan poem

A while back we mentioned on this blog that we were working on a comic adaptation of Edwin Morgan‘s poem The First Men on Mercury for release on National Poetry Day. Today, the Metro newspaper is running a full page feature on the project. To mark National Poetry Day – 8 October 2009 – the […]
A Parcel from Far Away
A few weeks ago, our friend hey from Berlin, who wrote the song for Louis – Dreams Never Die, sent us a really nice parcel with the latest hey-o-hansen cd release. It was wrapped in a cd mailing box which had originally been used five years ago by Kristin, then singer with múm, to send […]
The Guardian Comic Giveaway
The good people at The Guardian newspaper have kindly informed us that they will be giving away a classic comic every day next week from Saturday 12th of September. Details below! Remember how you were with seven classic comics for grown up boys and girls. We are printing an original issue of Jackie, The Beano, […]
Edinburgh International Book Festival
Our workshop at the Edinburgh International Book Festival went really well. It had sold out extremely quickly, thanks mainly to the popularity of comics and graphic novels these days, and of the festival itself, which, despite the rain, was packed (apparently the ticket sales actually went up this year!). We had a great time hanging […]
Press for Comic Workshop at EIBF
The Guardian gave us a wee plug in The Guide on Saturday (August 15th), mentioning our forthcoming comic workshop in a preview of The Edinburgh International Book Festival.
From the Drawing Table
Have been busy working on Louis – Night Salad. We’re almost nearing completion now: page 63 finished, painted and inked, below.
EIBF Comic Workshop Sells Out!
Our comic workshop for the Edinburgh International Book Festival has already sold out! As have a lot of events, including comics, manga and graphic novels. The Book Festival experienced a phenomenal demand for tickets when they opened for sales just a few days ago, with people queuing up like crazy!
Summer Workshops in Scotland
We’ll be doing a series of workshops in early July at libraries in the West of Scotland: Create Your Own Comics: a series of summer workshops for ages 8-14 Where: Dalmuir Library, ClydebankWhen: July 7th 2009, 1.00 – 2.00pm Where: Parkhall Library, ClydebankWhen: July 7th 2009, 3.00 – 4.00pm Where: Balloch Library, BallochWhen: July 8th […]
Metaphrog at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
This year, we will be part of the Edinburgh International Book Festival, “the world’s largest public celebration of the written word”. We’ll be doing a graphic novel workshop for teens on Wednesday the 26th of August from 5pm to 6pm, in the RBS Workshop Tent on Charlotte Square. This year again the festival has a […]
From the Drawing Table
This is what is happening at Sandra’s desk right now! Page are from the upcoming Louis – Night Salad graphic novel.
Workshop Feedback
We just received this link via email, a slideshow of drawings that the kids made during our comic and graphic novel workshop session at the Booked! festival on May 15th: it out, there are some really funny ones!
Author Visits Feedback
We received this via email on Friday: “Metaphrog visited Cardiff’s new library in May 2009 and enthralled children from Year 7 at Fitzalan High School with a lively demonstration creating comic book characters and effects. All the children created their own cartoons and enthusiastically shared their drawings which showed an impressive range of humour and […]
Booked! Festival Comics Workshops
We’ve been on a roll doing graphic novel workshops this month! Friday May 15th we were at the Booked! Festival of Words in West Dunbartonshire, working with classes of Primary 7 children. These sessions were really fun! The kids were keen to flick through Sandra’s sketchbook and also asked some very interesting questions, such as […]
Cardiff Workshops and Bristol Comic Expo Report
Our visits to Cardiff and Bristol were great! Really rejuvenating. We did two workshops on Friday 8th of May in the brand new Cardiff Central Library, a really attractive building, and the kids were great. A big thank you to Heather and Rob who invited us down and were perfect hosts, we managed to catch […]
Louis – Dreams Never Die Review
It’s always great to get a good review, and even more so when a book has been out for a while. Louis – Dreams Never Die, the graphic novel with music and animation we released in 2004 has just been reviewed here (you have to scroll down a bit).On Friday 15th we’re doing another two […]